Hockridge Florist has provided exceptional flower arrangements and bouquets for all occasions throughout Redlands, CA, and the surrounding areas since 1905. Our family-owned and operated floral shop's goal is to be there for our clients for all floral arrangements and beyond. We care about our clients and strive to do everything our ability to assist with everything they need, from courting a new love, helping with your wedding, to being there in your darkest moments. We are here for you. Our shop's skills and experience have been passed down through the generations and offer unique custom floral designs that will not be found anywhere else.
To provide the best arrangements, we prepare all of our arrangements at the time they are ordered. We do not outsource our arrangements to design the perfect bouquets and arrangements to your specifications and have a special touch. To learn more about our floral arrangements or to start your order, call us at 909-793-1331 or visit our shop today!
Ann is the 5th owner of Hockridge Florist and has expressed her passion for all floral and interior design for over 40-years. She goes above and beyond for all of her clients to ensure that her arrangements capture your specific requests and personality. Ann incorporates unique items to help make your order special. Whether it includes wooden crosses, incorporating flags, or personal items, she can do it all!
"I care about my clients, and I have watched a lot of clients grow and help them through their lives with all of their needs. From courting your love, assisting for your wedding, or being there during your darkest moments."
~ Ann Smith
When helping clients, Ann's help goes beyond flowers. Ann also offers professional interior design and event coordination services for all special occasions. She cares about her clients and wants to be there to assist with all of their needs.
461 Tennessee St Ste F, Redlands, CA, 92373
Monday- Friday 9:00am- 5:00pm
Saturday : 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Sunday : Closed